
One Room Challenge: Powder Room (Week 1)

Eeeek! It’s an exciting day, y’all! I’ve been happily following some of my favorite blogs for over a decade now, and I remember years ago when I started seeing designers and bloggers participating in the One Room Challenge.  Today I’m dipping my own little toes in as a guest participant, and I can’t wait to go on this online, blog hoppin, creativity explodin, inspirational ride!  I’m excited to share my own project of course, but also to see the amazing things others will be doing.  Each week for 6 weeks, featured and guest participants will link up to share photos and progress as they transform a room.  Click here to see this week’s links.


I’m starting small with the tiniest room in our house: the Powder Room.  At a whoppin’ 16 square feet, I’m aiming to pack a lot of style and charm into a tiny space.  Let me take you back to 2015 and show you what this little room looked like when we bought the house.  It was covered (of course) in wallpaper. Not one, but two lovely patterns, separated by a chair rail in the middle.

Whew, that yellow wallpaper clashes horribly with the pinky beige color of the sink and toilet.  And the clean white trim is all wrong with the muted tones of the floor and walls (when I took Maria’s color course, I learned to identify these “wrongs” so quickly.  I spoke more on clean/muted colors here).

We remodeled the adjacent kitchen when we moved in and gave this bathroom a mini facelift in the process. As the wallpaper came down, we discovered why the random chair rail was here:

Paneling! Gotta love a surprise.  So, to remove the paneling, the sink and toilet had to come out.

We replaced the toilet with a much more efficient one (on the recommendation of our plumber, we went with this basic Glacier Bay toilet, and it’s been great).

I considered replacing the sink with a new vanity, but the charm of this vintage one was so compelling to me.  I had it refinished in white, and reinstalled.

For privacy I sewed a cafe curtain from some old fabric, and hung this medicine cabinet from Ikea.  The magazine rack/TP holder is from Wayfair. The art and trash bin were things we already had.

I always had plans to do more, but the room has remained like this for a couple of years. Until now!

For the first time I’ll be putting up (rather than taking down) wallpaper.  Next week I’ll share some of the wallpaper I considered and of course the one I picked!

Be sure to check out the other participant’s Week 1 updates here.  The featured designers are all linked here.  A big thanks to Linda Weinstein of Calling it Home for creating such a fun and inspiring challenge, and to House Beautiful, the official media sponsor.

Be sure to sign up for my updates below to follow along!  I only email updates to my tribe once a week, and I pinky promise to keep them short and direct.

[This post contains some affiliate links.  If you purchase items using these links, I may receive a tiny percentage, at absolutely no extra cost to you.  This helps support my business in a small, but meaningful way.  Thank you for your support!]



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