
A Playroom Designed and Styled by Cate

If you follow me on Instagram, you got a sneak peek of this adorable space.  I wanted to share more photos of the finished room, as well as the process of my Custom Room Design and Styling Overhaul services.  If you’ve been hesitant or intimidated to book a room design, fear not!  It’s such a simple process, and the “blueprint” I create for your space will guide you to the room you dream of. 

Several months ago I was hired to do a custom room design for sweet Lainey’s playroom.  The play room is situated right at the top of the stairs, and is the first thing you see from the staircase.  The goal was a stylish, comfortable space for Lainey to play. We were all so thrilled with how it came together!

I’ll share lots more photos of the completed space at the end of this post, but first let me back up a little bit…here’s a look at the room in the beginning:

The client and I discussed the functional needs for the room and she shared some photos of playrooms that she was inspired by.  I then got to work creating the custom design for the space. 

I sent the design to her as a PDF document, and it included a mood board, furniture layout options, a clickable shopping list, and explanations as to why I chose what I did. 

The inspiration for the room was this adorable tee pee from Land of Nod.  I used the colors in the tee pee as a guide for the rest of the room.  With the plan in hand, my awesome clients collected and installed the items I had recommended.  Some things changed slightly, but they used the plan as their blueprint.  We emailed back and forth several times as questions came up, and a few months later, we scheduled the styling appointment. 

Here’s a look at the room before styling:

Before I arrived to style the room, I shopped for accessories that would complete the space.  I hit up some of my favorite stores, and showed up with a car full of decor.  I then spent the morning rearranging, decorating, hanging art, and generally tszujing up the room.  

This space will grow with Lainey and function for the family for years to come.  Contact me today to get started creating the room you’ve been dreaming of!

March 8, 2017



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